Friday, December 19, 2014

What made me cry in Africa Dec 2014 - Part 2 Rwanda

Home of Hope Rwanda has changed my life

<---Read Part 1 What made me cry - Goma, Congo.
God has ways of changing our lives and moving us to the next level of fulfilling our destiny. This Blog is about how my life changed for the better and is still changing.

Eight years ago we started Home of Hope by helping 4 children whose father had just died of HIV AIDS, and mother was on her death bed. (she is still alive!!) My life was changed forever when I got involved.

On my latest trip (#19), we brought together 170 Home of Hope sponsored children from the last 8 years who are now teens - age 14 and older. We taught them for 3 days on how to be a successful person and how to have a solid plan to be self sustaining.

It was a very emotional time for me and overwhelming to see the success that is happening with HOH and to know they all will have a great future!

The first orphan sponsored by Home of Hope, (my) Emmanuel:

How I want to help teenage orphans.

Many of the teenagers will NOT qualify for College or University because they just started school 8 years ago when their sponsorship started. By raising more money for Microloans for teens, they will be able to raise their own money to become self-sufficient, and for some raise money for College or University.

Each Teen can have an animal, like a pig, goat or rabbits, as one way of starting to take responsibility and make some money themselves.

NEXT  ... Microloans have been for singles mothers so far and we have seen great success, but now we want to expand and help Home of Hope Teens qualify for microloans for their future. We want to see teams of 6 or co-ops of 6-10 teenagers that will receive the loan and then pay it back in 6 months and then the loan will be given to the next group and so on FOR YEARS to come. (the best way to help the poor!)

Here is a picture of the training day with Pastor Mel Mullen and myself. 170 of the crowd are HOH teens. YAY!

Click here to see more pictures from this trip to Africa.

August is the next Mission team who can help train these teens when they have a school break, then again in December, yearly.

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