Saturday, July 26, 2014

The "JOY" in my Life

I love spending time with Joy. 
She makes me laugh
Joy has sure been a JOY in our lives.  Well except the early baby months with colic. I think she is tired of all the sayings, the songs, the Bible verses that have the word JOY in them. I try not to annoy her as much with them.

But we love you, Joy, you have lived up to your name for sure.   
Joy with JD, Zoe, Xander and Micah (right) 

We named her Joy, as an appreciation of the JOY OF THE LORD. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Psalm 16:11 "You will show me the path of life, in your presence is fullness of Joy and at your right hand there is pleasure forever-more!" There are so many other great verses on JOY.

Thank you Lord, for bringing our daughter, Joy, into our lives and helping us have such a great relationship for so many years.

You are a supermom with 3 active children! You have a fantastic husband and you both are active in church ministry as well. We are proud of you in every way!

1 comment:

  1. WOOOOh, Good news and enjoy your life.

    Samuel from Congo


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